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DevOps Certification - Blended Learning (Live Virtual Classroom + eLearning)

450,00 EUR

  • 56 hours
Live Virtual Classroom
Blended Learning

Prepare for a career in the fast-growing field of DevOps, bridging the gap between software developers and operations with this DevOps Certification Training course. You’ll become an expert in continuous development and deployment principles, configuration management automation, inter-team collaboration, and IT service agility using modern DevOps tools such as Git, Docker, Jenkins, Cucumber, Ansible, TeamCity, and Nagios.

Course timeline

  1. Course Introduction

    Lesson 00

    - Introduction

  2. Introducing to DevOps

    Lesson 01

    - Learning Objectives

    - DevOps Overview

    - The Relationship Between Agile and DevOps

    - DevOps Toolchain

    - DASA DevOps Principles

    - Challenges with the Traditional Approach

    - Addressing Challenges Through DevOps

    - DevOps Approach to the Challenges

    - Overview of DevOps Tools

    - Best Practices for DevOps

    - Categories of DevOps Tools

    - DevSecOps and its Manifesto

    - Workflow of DevOps and DevSecOps

    - Key Takeaways

    Knowledge Check

  3. Version Control Systems

    Lesson 02

    - Learning Objectives

    - Overview of Version Control Systems

    - Role of Version Control Systems

    - Types of Control Systems and Their Supporting Tools

    - Overview of Git

    - Overview of Source code and Version Control Hosts

    - Deploy the Files to GitHub via Git

    - Key Takeaways

    - Knowledge Check

    - Lesson-end Project: Deploy the Files to Bitbucket via Git

  4. Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, and Build Tools

    Lesson 03

    - Learning Objectives

    - Overview and Importance of Continuous Integration and Continuous

    - Deployment

    - Overview and Features of Jenkins

    - Set up Jenkins

    - Overview and the Features of TeamCity

    - Set up TeamCity

    - Build Tools and Their Uses

    - Continuous Integration with Jenkins and Maven

    - Key Takeaways

    - Knowledge Check

    - Lesson-end Project: Continuous Integration with Jenkins, Git, and Maven

  5. Software and Automation Testing Frameworks

    Lesson 04

    - Learning Objectives

    - Software Testing Overview

    - Testing Levels Approaches and Automation Tools

    - Test-Driven Development Approach with JUnit 5

    - Behavior-Driven Development Principles: Cucumber and Its Applications

    - Behavior-Driven Development Approach with Cucumber

    - Knowledge Check

    - Lesson-end Project: Behavior-driven Development Approach

  6. Configuration Management Tools

    Lesson 05

    - Learning Objectives

    - Overview of Configuration Management Tools

    - Managing Infrastructure

    - Types of Configuration Management Tools

    - Overview of Puppet

    - Demonstrate Puppet Configuration

    - Overview of Chef

    - Demonstrate Chef Configuration

    - Overview of Ansible

    - Set Up Apache Web Server Using Ansible

    - Overview of SaltStack

    Comparison of Ansible, Puppet, Chef, and SaltStack

    Key Takeaways

    Knowledge Check

    Lesson-end Project: Set Up MySQL database using Ansible

  7. Containerization with Docker

    Lesson 06

    - Learning Objectives

    - Overview of Docker

    - Overview of Virtualization

    - Docker Installation on Multiple OS

    - MySQL Database in Docker Container

    - Docker Installation on Multiple OS

    - Using Docker Compose to Manage a Container

    - Docker Registry

    - Run Docker Registry with CentOS

    - Docker Networking

    - Demonstrate Docker Networking with Two SSHs

    - Key Takeaways

    - Knowledge Check

    - Lesson-end Project: Build a Docker Image and Deploy it to the Docker

  8. Continuous Monitoring

    Lesson 07

    - Learning Objectives

    - Overview of Continuous Monitoring

    - Types of Monitoring Systems

    - Demonstrate Nagios

    - Working with Nagios Monitoring Tool

    - Overview of Grafana

    - ELK Stack

    - Key Takeaways

    - Knowledge Check

    - Lesson-end Project: Add a Node in the Nagios Monitoring Tool

  9. Need of Cloud in DevOps

    Lesson 08

    - Learning Objectives

    - Overview of Cloud Computing

    - Cloud Services and Models

    - Using AWS in DevOps

    - Kubernetes

    - Add a Linux Node to the Kubernetes Cluster

    - Key Takeaways

    - Knowledge Check

    - Lesson-end Project: Host Docker on a Kubernetes Cluster

  10. Dockerizing Jenkins Pipeline

    Project 01

    Could you show the continuous integration and delivery by Dockerizing Jenkins Pipeline?

  11. Manage and Monitor the Docker Containers with Dry Tool

    Project 02

    Install Dry, demonstrate its interaction with Docker containers and images, and monitor it.

  12. Deploy Angular Application in Docker Container

    Project 03

    Deploy the Angular application in Docker, which should be built with the Angular CLI and Docker Compose for development and production.

  13. Automated Delivery of WordPress Application on Kubernetes

    Project 04

    Deploy the WordPress application to the Kubernetes cluster, automate the delivery with Jenkins, and manage the source code versions on GitHub.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this DevOps Certificate Cursus eLearning Course , you will be able to:

Describe DevOps and DevSecOps methodologies and their key concepts

Explain the types of version control systems, continuous integration tools, continuous monitoring tools, and cloud models

Work in Git with GitHub and Git with Bitbucket

Configure your private Jenkins and TeamCity tools, Jenkins with Java, Git, and Maven

Set up a test-driven development framework with Junit 5 and a behavior-driven development framework with Cucumber

Work on the creation of Docker containers, Registry, Docker Compose, Docker Hub, and Docker Networking; describe the importance of Grafana and ELK Stack; perform demonstration on Nagios

Describe the importance of the cloud in DevOps, use of AWS in DevOps, and deploy your private Kubernetes cluster

Set up your complete private infrastructure using version control systems and CI/CD tools

Key Features

56 hours of blended learning

20 hours of Online self-placed learning

36 hours of instructor-led training

Over ten industry-based course-end projects with integrated labs

24 live demos of popular DevOps tools

24/7 support with dedicated mentoring sessions


- 85 percent completion of online self-paced learning or attendance of one live virtual classroom - Successful evaluation in at least one project


Who Should Enroll in this Program?


Learners taking the DevOps online training must have a technical background with an understanding of Linux, web development, and Java fundamentals.

Software developers

Technical project managers


Operations support

Deployment engineers

IT managers

Development managers

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