Python Training Certification - eLearning
450,00 EUR
- 60 hours
This course covers the fundamentals of Python and how to apply it to real-world applications. The modules, lesson-end projects, and assignments comprising the curriculum cover data operations in Python, strings, conditional statements, error handling, shell scripting, web scraping, and the commonly used Python web framework Django.
Key Features
Course and material are available in English
Beginner friendly- Intermediate
1 year access to the self-paced study eLearning platform 24/7
6 hours total video content
with 60 hours study time recommended
20+ assisted practices on all modules
5 lesson-end knowledge checks and 1 real-life course-end project
No exam
No exam for tjos course but student will get certification of training completion

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this Python Training eLearning Course, you will be able to:
Python Concepts
Understand basic Python concepts.
Implement Techniques
Implement file handling and exception handling techniques.
Extended Understanding
Understand operators, sets, methods, and dictionaries in-depth.
Implementing auxiliary functions
Run commands by implementing conditional statements, loops, and functions.
Shell Scripting
Perform shell scripting with Python.
Master Python Django & Development in Python
Master Python Django and advanced web development in Python.
Course timeline

Python Basics
Lesson 01
- Course Introduction
- Learning Objectives
- Introduction to Python and Its Features
- Python Introduction - Uses and Flavors
- Python Introduction - Why Python
- Software Installation and Environment Setup
- Demo: Software Installation and Environment Setup
- Data Types
- Input Output Functions
- Demo: Data Types and Input Output
- Functions
- Key Takeaways
Data Operations
Lesson 02
- Learning Objectives
- Data Type Conversion
- Arithmetic Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Demo: Data Operations
- String Methods
- Demo: String Operations
- List Methods
- Demo: List Operations
- Tuple Methods
Conditional Statements and Functions
Lesson 03
- Learning Objective
- Expressions
- Conditional Statement
- Demo - Conditional Statement
- Loops - for loop
- Loops - while loop
- Demo - Loops
- Functions
- Demo - Functions
- Key Takeaway
Error Handling and File Operations
Lesson 04
- Learning Objective
- File Handling
- Demo - File Handling
- Errors
- Exceptions
- Demo - Errors and Exceptions
- Logging
- Demo - Logging
- Python Debugger (Pdb Module)
- Demo - Python Debugger
- Objects and Classes
- Objects and functions
- Demo - Object Oriented Programming
- Key Takeaway
Shell Scripting and Django
Lesson 05
- Learning Objective
- Shell Scripting
- Sys, OS, and Sub-Process module
- Reading Writing Files and Working with Date-time Module
- Demo - Shell Scripting in Python
- Web Scrapping
- Demo - Web Scrapping using Beautiful Soup
- Django - Intro and Architecture
- Demo - Django Installation
- Key Takeaway
Logging Infrastructure
Lesson 06
- Introduction to Python Logging
- Concepts of Pythoin Logging
- Changing the Fromat of Logs
- Python Logger
- Using Python Logging
- Logging Handlers and Formatters
- Logging Flow
- Configuring Logging
- Extending Logging
- Buffering Logs
- Logging Best Practices
- Rotating log files
- Logging to a file
Unittest Infrastructure
Lesson 07
- Introduction to unite testing
- Introduction to unittest framework
- Concept of unittest framework
- Command line
- Python unittest
- Testing for exceptions
- Test fixtures
- Python assertions
- Classes and functions
- pros and cons
- Mock object library
Networking Concepts
Lesson 08
- Introduction to Python Networking
- Sockets
- Socket programming
- Working with Python Networking
- Data Models
- Building client-server communication
- Socket Types
- TCP sockets
- The tornado framework
- Building a Python Chat server
Python decorators
Project 1
Implement a Python decorator that will take what the decorated function returns and write it to a file on a new line.
Manage the password
Project 2
Develop a new version of a password manager that can keep track of all passwords that have been set for each account.
Application for patient management
Project 3
Write an application in Django for a hospital receptionist that has functions, including checking if the patient is already registered. If not, register the patient.

Who Should Enroll in this Program?
Prerequisites: No prior programming knowledge or experience is necessary to take this online Python training course.
Software Developers
Programming Enthusiasts
Technical Leads
Licensing and accreditation
This Python Training Certification course is offered by Simplilearn according to Partner Program Agreement and complies with the License Agreement requirements. AVC Promotes this course on behalf of Simplilearn.
Equity Policy
Simplilearn does not provide accommodations due to a disability or medical condition of any students. Candidates are encouraged to reach out to AVC for guidance and support throughout the accommodation process.
Frequently Asked Questions

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